Those of you that have been given permissions to take items out of the guild bank have contributed to the guild in some way. Your contribution(s) will not be taken for granted, so I expect that others contributions into the guild bank will not be taken for granted. Please do not take items out of the guild bank just to sell. Money that is deposited will be used to give out short term loans to members who prove deserving of that trust. It will also be used to purchase more bank tabs as we get the necessary amount. This is pretty much common sense. I will also be looking to make sure we don't have people leeching from the guild bank. By leeching I mean people that only take items out of the bank and never deposit anything. This is a practice that will not be allowed. If you do have the permissions to take items from the guild bank, they will be revoked and you will be demoted. Other than that, enjoy the benefits.